Thursday, June 14, 2007


A bomb killed an anti-Syrian Lebanese MP on Wednesday. Without any sort of investigation yet held and no official conclusions reached The Washington Post has published an opinion piece by a writer for the Daily Star of Lebanon, Hussain Abdul-Hussain.

"Standing Up to Killers : Syria Must Answer for Its Murders in Lebanon" at

He writes;
"I should wait for the results of an investigation into the explosion to learn who killed Khaled and his dad. But I will not wait. I am tired of the murders in Lebanon. I accuse the Syrian regime, headed by President Bashar al-Assad, of killing Khaled. As a friend of the family, I want to press charges against Assad and his Syrian and Lebanese associates. Enough is enough with the Syrian regime and its Lebanese puppets."

Let's think this through.

In 1998 in a land far, far away an honourable bunch of ordinary guys united to form The Project for a New American Century. Their mission was to bring freedom and democracy to the Middle East (particularly those with lots and lots of oil). After 2000 they occupied some of the most powerful positions in the US governent, and some still do. Some also have strong links to Israel and its A Clean Break policy, which called for war on its neighbours for, as Hitler would put it, Lebensraum.

Among the countries named for targetting were,
Iraq - since invaded and occupied, and its oil to go to Anglo-American corporations. It was accused of involvement in 9/11 and of developing WMD, two claims which have so far not been proven.

Iran - now the subject of covert operations and overt military threats for its alleged development of WMD. There have also been attempts to link Iran with al-Qaeda, and accusations it is fometing civil war in Iraq and has allied with the Taliban in Afghanistan. (starting to see a picture yet?)

Syria/Lebanon - Syria is accused of running Hizb'Allah in Lebanon. Last year the contrived kidnapping of two soldiers on the Israel/Lebanon border was used by Israel to bomb Lebanon into dust, DU dust.

Recently there have been several reports that Syria and Israel have been communicating not by normal channels to come to an agreement regarding disputed territory eg Golan Heights, and it appeared these talks were bearing some fruit.

So would Syria threaten this peaceful approach of resolving disputes, and risk war with the USA and Israel, by blowing up one anti-Syrian MP and 9 others including his son?

Or would someone intent on disrupting the detente between Syria and Israel want to blow up an anti-Syrian MP and then have opinion pieces published in the likes of The Washington Post accusing Syria?

I think the latter, because the people in power in the USA have openly stated their intention for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

But I don't have access to a The Washington Post opinion piece.

Hussain Abdul-Hussain mentions Rafiq al-Hariri. The investigation into his assassination is corrupt and has been proven so.

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