Wednesday, March 12, 2008


There are some funny pledges of allegiance on The Times website today. I won't post mine there because I know The Times is under British Intelligence control from previous censorship.

So here is my pledge of allegiance.


I hereby pledge allegiance to the flag, the flag that has enslaved and brutalised many of my fellow humans in the past, and continues to do so today. I promise to fight and die in the world wars that my masters engineer, and if I don’t die in them then I promise to reduce my carbon footprint by committing suicide to ‘save the planet’ for them. I further promise to not ask any questions at all about money or politics or modern history, but instead promise to watch football, drink, fight, fuck without love or care, and dress my little girls up as if they were 18 year old tarts in order to excite the paedophiles that my masters either let off or release early (for they too are paedophiles). I further promise to love my European government and to love my eventual World government, to be imposed on me by treachery, and to willingly and without protest or resistance give up all my freedoms that our fathers and grandfathers died for.

I hereby pledge allegiance to the flag that has betrayed everything my grandfather fought in world war 2 for, that keeps me in debt slavery to a cabal of genocidal, warmongering Satanist megalomaniacs, that cares about me so much that it wants to inject a microchip implant in my body and wants to know literally everything about me in order to control every aspect of my life.

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