Monday, February 09, 2009


Vice-President Joe Biden apparently extended his hand of friendship to Russia and Iran. Do not be fooled by this apparent reset.

According to the CFR website Biden is a self-described Zionist, and his and Obama's silence on Israel's genocide in Gaza while condemning the Mumbai bombings says a lot.

Biden is still convinced that Russia, not Georgia, started last August's war, and has promised tie-muncher much support. Tie-muncher said of Biden, "Vice-President Biden is our and my old friend,".

So beware of Biden. White man speak with forked tongue. Just remember Holbrooke, another rabid anti-Russian, is running the relationship with Russia over the tinder box of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Give 'em a chance by all means, but I believe there is a strong possibility that apparent friendship is being shown so that when unacceptable terms are proposed by the USA and rejected by Russia and Iran then the USA and Israel can turn to their people, shrug their shoulders and say, "well we tried, they didn't want to know, let's have a great big lovely war".

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