Friday, March 12, 2010


Since the first second I was born it has been drilled into me; love thy servitude.

Love thy servitude?

Love thy quasi-slavery? (The two are not EXACTLY the same)

Anyhoo, the fact remains; we are treated as inhuman by the oligarchy.

Having just rewatched Endgame by Alex Jones, I am stunned by the amount of correct information is in his documentaries. I believe Endgame has stopped the then very rapid formation of the NAU. As I have repeatedly stated, the EU, the NAU, the African Union, the Asia-Pacific Union were, repeat were, supposed to all almagmate seamlessly and effortlessly into one big happy sing-a-long tyrannical fascist World Government after the next big world war, which Albert Pike proposed should be between the Jews and the Muslims, and WW1 and WW2 have followed that diabolical plan.

But Endgame also reports how Aldous Huxley explains that his book entitled Brave New World was then a secret plan of the NWO, and not fiction. Aldous was brother of Julian, President of the Eugenics Society and founder of the WWF, the organisation which tried to "save the planet" at Copenhagen last December with apocalyptic forecasts of weather from the Meteorological Office (then run by a former head of the WWF-UK). Other founders of the WWF were Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands whose mummy is Queen B, a permanent fixture at Bilderberg, and our very own (put your hands together for) Prince Phillip, President of The Racist and Sexist Gaffe Society.

The Nazi dream is over.


We know.

They know we know.

And now you know we know.

Das Neu Welt Oder ist kapput!

And it stinks!

With the PNAC/A Clean Break agenda blatantly trying to satisfy this precondition for WW3 but failing spectacularly, it would appear that the three world war agenda is spectacularly failing.

So my advice to potential 2010 Bildermorgue attendees, including Bailout Brown is; FORGET IT!

When you take time out and look at things in perspective you can only come to one conclusion; I AM MAD!

I am mad for letting such a group of genocidal psychopaths for not only controlling the world now, but controlling the future of my children!

They 'use' paedophiles to control votes in Congress, UK Parliament, the EU, and elsewhere. Drugs, and children.

So God help your children if these fuckers get their way and implant a microchip into your kids and grandkids.

I've alerted you.

Now save your children!

Vote No! to fascist tyranny and war, and Yes! to freedom and education.

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