Sunday, November 07, 2010


"Bankers to clean streets for free".

That is the headline that I want to read, and from the reaction to the workfare proposal from the inglorious and unimaginative Iain Duncan-Smith on The Guardian website today, it is the headline that most of us want to read.

We know who has caused this crisis.
We know who is getting away with it.
We know who is avoiding tax.

Go after them, not the unemployed who have been dumped onto the dole because the vampire banks sucked the life blood out of the economy!


Unemployed told: do four weeks of unpaid work or lose your benefits

• Crackdown on £190bn-a-year welfare bill
• Payments could be suspended for three months

* Toby Helm and Anushka Asthana
* The Observer, Sunday 7 November 2010

The unemployed will be ordered to do periods of compulsory full-time work in the community or be stripped of their benefits under controversial American-style plans to slash the number of people without jobs.

The proposals, in a white paper on welfare reform to be unveiled this week, are part of a radical government agenda aimed at cutting the £190bn-a-year welfare bill and breaking what the coalition now calls the "habit of worklessness".

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