Sunday, March 06, 2011


When you read an article in The Bilderberg Washington Post by a dude from The Bland Rand Corporation painting the Muslim Brotherhood as moderate and mellow and encouraging Washington to develop releations with "the Brothers", then I think we can guess where this Arab uprising is going.

In Five Myths About the Muslim Brotherhood[1], Lorenzo Vidino, a visiting fellow at the Rand Corporation, argues that "the Brothers" are not the violent extremists they have been portrayed as. The five myths addressed are

1. The Muslim Brotherhood is a global organization
2. The Brotherhood will dominate the new Egypt
3. The Brotherhood seeks to impose a draconian version of sharia law
4. The Muslim Brotherhood has close ties to al-Qaeda
5. Washington can't work with the Brotherhood

The Rand Corporation wants a major world war.

"The Brothers" could provide it.

"The Brothers" want it too. Mohamed Ghanem has called for war on Israel[2]. "The Brothers" would scrap the peace treaty with Israel[3]. This has not been reported in any Western media, has it? No. In the FT[4] and WP, "the Brothers" are portrayed as cute and cuddly Muslims, and any warmongering comments are simply not reported.

[1] Five myths about the Muslim Brotherhood, The WP, 6/3/2011
[2] Muslim Brotherhood Wants War With Israel,
[3] Muslim Brotherhood wants end to Egypt-Israeli peace deal, RIA Novosti, 3/2/2011
[4] Egypt can bring in the Brotherhood, FT, 2/2/2011

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