Sunday, June 05, 2011


There is growing unease with the Government.

Oik Osborne is being criticised, even by former supporters, for cutting too far too fast.[1]

And now David "Zero Brains" Willetts is being criticised, even by his former Oxford tutor, for his policy for higher education, particularly trebling tuition fees.[2]

Regarding Oik's slash-and-burn policies, he is now being asked to draw up a Plan B.

My Plan B would be
1. lock up the top (and by top I mean top) bankers and their minions who either planned, engineered or allowed the crash (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Greenspan etc etc)
2. take back all bailouts
3. place those banks who could not then survive into bankruptcy
4. start creating our own money to rebuild the nation

We need to build a society to serve the majority of the people, not the minority megalomaniac genocidal eugenicists at the top of society who think they can just shit all over us, send us into unnecessary wars, defraud us of trillions and get away with it.

[1] George Osborne plan isn't working, say top UK economists, The Guardian, 5/6/2011

[2] David Willetts's former tutor says: 'I have no confidence in him', The Guardian, 5/6/2011

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