Saturday, June 09, 2012


The Bilderberg Post continues its relentless war drive, despite recently publishing an article by Kissinger which questioned the rationality behind a war on Syria, and a recent comment by Brzezinski with the same message.

In today's The Post's View, The Bilderberg Post takes the limeade a bit by supporting the outcome of a Friends of Syrian Murdering Terrorists on Thursday in Istanbul;

Ms. Clinton also laid out some specific and worthy parameters for a transition in Syria in a meeting Thursday with the Friends of Syria group in Istanbul. Ms. Clinton and a State Department briefer said these include Mr. Assad’s “full transfer of power” and departure from Syria; a “representative and inclusive interim government” that leads to “free and fair elections”; and “civilian control of the military and security forces.”
[source : The U.N.’s Syria disaster, WP,, 09/06/2012]

OK. Let us address these points.

1. “representative and inclusive interim government”. You mean like the members have to be bought-and-paid-for, blackmailed, CFR, Bilderberg, TC, Bohemian Grove?
2. “free and fair elections”. You mean the candidates who win get financed while the losers don't, and vote fraud like was used against Ron Paul (which he did not complain against)?
3. “civilian control of the military and security forces.”. You mean the unelected UN has total control and decides where and when it can be used?

OK. Yeah. I get it.

But then there's the obligatory sabre rattling.

The administration must now face how it can realistically achieve those aims. As we’ve said before, there’s a lot the United States could do, well short of invasion but well beyond the rhetoric-and-resolution approach it’s taken for more than a year. In Istanbul, Ms. Clinton discussed greater coordination of international aid for the Syrian opposition and a tightening of economic sanctions. These are steps in the right direction; but the transition in Syria will begin only when Mr. Assad is confronted with irresistible force.

"irresistible force"?

But the recent statements by Kissinger and Brzezinski must be addressed.

Are they distancing themselves from any subsequent war, washing their hands, "not me, guv"?

Or are they really stating that an invasion of Syria must not take place, not yet anyway?

Is any war on Syria to be timed to coincide perfectly with the collapse of the Euro and the Dollar, maximising the psychological chaos that would occur to trick us into demanding a satanic fascist world dictatorship to stop all the chaos (that was engineered)?

Or is what we are seeing in Syria a very sinister psychological ploy against Russia and China, using the terrorists to slaughter innocent men, women and in particular children, covertly saying to Russia and China, "look, this is what we are prepared to do, but if you can get Assad out for us then we will spare the lives of all those children"?

This is war by any other name.

War on Syria.

War on Russia.

War on China.

War on me.

War on you.

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