Thursday, January 31, 2013


Eustace Mullins was financed by Ezra Pound to write about the Federal Reserve system. Pound detested WW1 and blamed international finance, i.e. the Jews, and subsequently apparently at least sympathised with if not supported Hitler and Mussolini and attacked Communism. We now know much more about these two fascist murderers than Pound did at the time. Mussolini was a British agent writing propaganda for the British during WW1, and was given hundreds of millions of dollars by Wall Street. As for Hitler, he was supported by the British elite in eugenics and was financed by the Rockefellers to research racial hygiene, he was given a lot of technology and patents that enabled the Wehrmacht to wage a long war, and was allowed to build the Wehrmacht way beyond what was permitted by the Treaty of Versailles (in order to wage WW2 against FDR-supplied Russia).

In 1944 Pound published America, Roosevelt and the Causes of the Present War in which Pound states
(4) The fourth period covers the twelve years of Jackson (eight) and Van Buren (four), but the decade of 1830-40 has disappeared from the school-books. The public knows, and schoolchildren get taught, that Jackson killed a few Redskins, chewed tobacco, and beat the English at New Orleans, after the peace of Ghent, but before news of its signing had arrived. This military victory of the Hero of New Orleans was nevertheless of service to America, for no one will be so ingenuous as to suppose that London would have observed the treaty had the British forces won the battle.

But the real war was the war between the bank and the people, waged and won for the people by
Jackson and Van Buren.

This is the fact that explains the silence of “history” and the small respect paid to Van Buren
throughout the whole period of American decadence, which dates from Lincoln’s assassination.

Pound was infamous for his radio broadcasts from Italy during WW2 for which he was arrested when the USA invaded Italy. These were later compiled and edited by Leonard W. Doob and entitled Ezra Pound Speaking. Pound accuses FDR of joining a war for the gold standard and for being influenced by the Jews and calls for America's youth not to be sacrificed for this. He saw Hitler and Mussolini as standing up to gold and the Jews. Here is Pound in his broadcast 26th February 1942 in which he quite clearly states that anything that FDR says that has any sanity is copied from Hitler and Mussolini.
It is to be supposed that you are all running round hot and bothered, like headless chickens, no man understanding another. And the pathological brainstorm in the White House after years of robbing the country dipping into the Treasury, years of frothing at the mouth about Mussolini and Hitler, in mid January comes out with a discourse and EVERY single item in it that has a trace of sanity is IMITATED from Mussolini or Hitler.

Pound does seem to rant a bit in his broadcasts, but there are nuggets of truth in there. Take this nugget from 2nd March 1942 about a reason for WW2:
Do you stand, those of you who are above goose gangster level, for the obliteration of all occidental civilization? If NOT, why join the Anglo Jewish clique which has been and still is out professedly and openly for the obliteration of Europe? Western Civilization, all of it that you have still got.

The truth in this nugget is that "the Anglo Jewish clique" did indeed set out to destroy Europe; they created both Hitler and Stalin, who at first were allies invading Poland together, but then Hitler's obvious and manipulated hatred of Communism came forth and he invaded Soviet Russia in Operation Barbarossa. Stalin, supplied by FDR, repelled the Nazis all the way back to Berlin. Central and Eastern Europe was destroyed, and France was partially destroyed. The point is that after WW1 neither a European government nor a world government had been accepted. But after WW2 we got the EU and the UN. This is the aim. Pound continually states that the gold standard is the aim and to get all the gold in Fort Knox. Oh yes. All the gold in Fort Knox? Is there any now? But what about a world government dictatorship?

Another nugget of Pound's from 26th February 1942:
Nevertheless I am convinced of at least one thing. The present war should NOT be allowed to degenerate into a 30 years or even ten years beano for Knudson and the other sustainers of speed-ups and sweating, chain table.

Work ’em up in six years, was the old Jamaica slave owners system. Do the young men, and only young men can stand it, last SIX years at the Knudson band assembly systems? Jews paid by Schiff in New York got hold of Russia and turned the whole land into a sweat shop. Watch your step, brother, it CAN happen to you.

Here Pound predicts the war would last 6 years. WW2 lasted SIX years. And yes, Jacob Schiff did finance The first Russian Revolution. He bragged about it. Lenin was sent into Russia by the Warburgs on a sealed train and completed the revolution in October.

There is now absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Rothschilds and their ilk, such as the Warburgs and the Schiffs, have played a huge part in steering modern history. This makes sense because they are allowed to create money out of thin air while the rest of us work our arses off just to put a crust of stale bread on the table. But they are merely Hofjuden.

But thanks to Michael Kirsch we now also know much more about Jackson and van Buren and the manipulation and lies that surrounded the destruction of The Second Bank of The United States. We now also know much more about Mussolini and Hitler. Pound supported these with varying degrees of strength.

We must not fall into this trap. Pound is correct to point the finger at "the Anglo Jewish clique". It is real. It exists. It has a set of goals consisting of a world government dictatorship over a technologically controlled and vastly reduced human population. But we must not twist history to fit into a view of history that fits our prejudices.

Why would Mullins write that Clews stated the 1837 panic was engineered by the Bank of England and the Rothschilds when Clews did not state this? Perhaps Pound's prejudices influenced Mullins to write this. If anything Clews blamed Jackson and van Buren. And Mullins even states that Jackson made the Rothschilds the bankers to the USA. Why would Jackson, the alleged Rothschild-hater, do this? The only explanation is that Jackson was a traitor.

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