Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It does not look good, for the medium term that is.

I am no fan of guns. I wish they hadn't been created, but they have, so having one could be very very useful for self defence. And it is blatantly obvious that the US al Qaeda-supporting government is prepping for a gun grab. The unprecedented buy up of ammo by the US government, the demonization of gun owners, the pro-abortion rights, etc.. It is pure Pol Pot. If not Pol Pol then Mao. If not Mao then Stalin. And Stalin murdered 10 times as many as Hitler. Not that I am a supporter of Hitler. I am putting mass genocidalists into perspective.

And all mass genocidalists loved to grab guns, to feast on an undefended nation.

Whatever they have prepared is coming very very soon.

This is good in some ways. Better to be prepared and unsurprised than unprepared and unsurprised.

But as this is a 13 year..., as in 2013...

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