Friday, June 07, 2013


I believed in Eustace Mullins and The Money Masters.

I believed, until a few months ago after reading the works of Michael Kirsch and Anton Chaitkin on President Andrew Jackson.

On Mullins, I always had a little niggle in the back of my mind because he would frequently say something but provide no references. So one day I checked out one of his references, by Henry Clews, and Clews does NOT say what Mullins attributes to Clews. In fact, Clews accuses Jackson and his handler Martin van Buren are to blame for the crash of 1837, but Mullins curiously omits this devastating information. I also discovered that Mullins' alleged benefactor, the character Ezra Pound, was looked after by a doctor at the forefront of CIA mind control programs, and that Mullins himself was evasive with references and had access to the Library of Congress that only intelligence agents had.

Now the producer of The Money Masters, Pat Carmack, says that the documentary has flaws, but the general idea of the film is correct.

Er, no!

The documentary tries to discredit the First Bank of The United States and the Second Bank of The United States by claiming Andrew Jackson was a hero, when in fact he was an unwitting British agent tasked with the aim of destroying The Second Bank because it was very quickly financing the United States into a huge rival to the British Empire.

Whoever uses Secrets of The Federal Reserve and The Money Masters as sources should now seriously reconsider their history and/or politics.

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