Monday, July 22, 2013


I have never used pornography of any kind and have no intention of doing so, but I have deep scepticism about the motives of Prime Minister David Cameron's intention to announce a crackdown on pornography on the internet, to save the children from moral decay, he claims.

My deep scepticism is due to several reasons:

First, repeat offender paedophiles are rarely given any kind of sentence or treatment. Occasionally someone is given a sentence of significance. But our parliament is infested with paedos. Our Paedo Parliament desperately needs disinfecting of this wretched plague upon mankind.

Second, as for moral decay, for years Der Fuhrer has been hoping and praying that the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum in Syria would by now have either defeated Assad militarily, or by massacring whole Christian villages and massacring Sunni pro-Assad families have provoked Obama to intervene in Syria directly to defeat Assad. But because of this failure the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum have been given chemical weapons, and when the rebs have used such weapons against Syrian civilians, as Russia and UN investigators have concluded, then Der Fuhrer has used the attacks as a false flag and accused Assad of their use.

Third, remember this, that was not reported in any UK media; the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas stated to the French parliamentary channel LCP that in 2009 he had been asked by British officials to help them plan the covert invasion of Syria by rebels. In 2009 Labour was in power. In 2010 the Cleggeron came to power, and such an invasion was implemented, as per The Redirection reported by Seymour Hersh in 2007. Since 2011 these rebels have been smuggled into Syria to terrorize and bomb and decapitate and cut throats of children, and some children have even been used to decapitate pro-Assad prisoners!

Fourth and last, this man, Der Fuhrer, has continued to bail out the banks, implementing deeper and deeper fascist Oiksterity to unnecessarily keep the banks in business while our national debt still keeps rising and rising and rising, the bankers get their massive bonuses, more and more children are suffering extreme poverty, homelessness and depending on charity and food banks, and there is much, much more of this unpopular and failing fascist Oiksterity on the dark horizon.

More cuts. More taxes. More death. More sales of weapons to oppressive regimes.

Der Fuhrer cares little about protecting and saving the children from moral decay. He helps to spread it across the globe with his unhuman support for that cesspit of moral decay, The City of London!

What Der Fuhrer will announce today will be quickly turned into a more generalised censorship program. A political website here and a truth website there will be quietly added to the list of blocked sites.

Meanwhile the Paedo Parliament will implement deeper and deeper fascist Oiksterity, more children will suffer extreme poverty and homelessness to bail out Cameron's beloved banker class, and we will be involved in an unnecessary Zioattack on Syria and/or Iran, probably leading to WW3.

When I see all paedos locked up, our parliament disinfected of paedos, our interference in Syria (which has killed God knows how many Syrian children) curtailed, criminal bankers locked up and a completely different economy and banking system implemented that serves the people and not the privileged kleptomaniac oligarchy, then, and only then, I might, just might, consider believing in the sincerity of Cameron in this policy.

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