Tuesday, October 08, 2013


The Bilderberg Washington Post is trying it on over Somalia.

Proclaiming the recent raids in Libya and Somalia as reasonably successful and "legal and justified", despite violating national sovereignty, The Post praises these raids as the correct use of the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), the operations led by the US military not the CIA, while also suggesting that these operations would not have occured had the US not remained on a "war footing". In a speech earlier this year President Obama had begun to doubt the use of this.

But The Post wants more. And guess where?


And against who?

AL QAEDA!!!!!!!

As tempting as it may be to declare “the end of a decade of war,” Mr. Obama would be wiser to recognize — as he did in approving these operations — that the war against al-Qaeda continues. What’s needed is not the repeal of the legal justification for fighting it but an update that provides more explicit authority for operations in places such as Libya and Somalia.

[source : Stopping al-Qaeda — with the right authority, Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/stopping-al-qaeda--with-the-right-authority/2013/10/07/cbcc9e44-2f75-11e3-9ccc-2252bdb14df5_story.html, 8th October 2013]

But as al Shabaab have warned, there will be reprisals against Western action in Somalia. Innocent unsuspecting civilians, in Somalia, the UK and USA, will probably die so that Anglo-American oil companies can get their hands on Somali oil.

These people do not care. It is this kind of action that will provoke the likes of al Shabaab to execute terrorist acts in places like London. They will no doubt be allowed to commit such acts, so that our politicians can act horrified and outraged, and demand war, war, war.

They didn't do 9/11 for fun.

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