Monday, March 03, 2014


I sent the following little email to Niall Ferguson on Saturday.

Dear Professor Ferguson

I watched The Pity of War yesterday, and was looking forward to it very much. The question you raised is a very valid one, and I am happy that someone such as yourself is asking it.

However, I was astonished by a comment you made during the programme, that nobody set out to destroy the Austro Hungarian Empire, because there was someone with an agenda to start World War 1, and that was The British Empire.

The 2 main pieces of evidence I have to support this are:
1. the statement in Kaiser Wilhelm’s Memoirs in which he states that he was told by a distinguished German Freemason that Freemasonry had engineered the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe;
2. the statements of the assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand at their trial that they were Freemasons, that they received encouragement and the material for the assassination from foreign Freemasons, and Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death a year earlier.

I have yet to receive a reply.

I am still waiting on replies to letters I sent to both Anton Chaitkin and Webster Tarpley about Barings and that curious inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram that is in the street plan of Washington DC north of The White House.

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