Sunday, May 18, 2014


In an English city yesterday, the happy happy humans were sunburned as they shopped and shopped and shopped.

The political activists I saw consisted of a small table run by The Socialist Workers Party focusing on saving the NHS, and a table with material and posters calling for smashing the fascist The British National Party. Nearby was a preacher, a young girl singing with an amp, and a group of what seemed to be native American Indians.

Nobody was interested in saving the NHS or smashing the fascist BNP, but quite a few were interested in the novelty of seeing several native American Indians in their classic headdress chant to music and playing pipes. David Icke used to post videos using the same kind of modernised native American Indian music they were producing yesterday, so I don't know what this indicates. That people are becoming interested in native American Indian music and traditions and spirituality? Or just the novelty of seeing them, like in Bill Cody's Wild West travelling show.

But it is an indication that nobody wanted to save the NHS or smash a party that, although it has one or two good policies such as stopping the warmongering and clamping down on The City of London, is simply a racist, fascist organisation. I did pass a group of men, half of whom were Islamic and the other half were white British debating something. I heard one of the British white men ask one of the Muslims, and in quite an aggressive tone, "OK. So what are you lot going to do about Anjem Choudry?"

But all this occured while the sunburned happy happy humans shopped and shopped and shopped in the glorious sunshine.

There were no protests about intrusive state surveillance.

There were no protests about Israel's policy towards Palestine.

There were no protests about stopping cutthroat Jihadis in Syria.

There were no protests about neo-Nazis burning 50 or so people alive in Ukraine.

Just sunburned happy happy people shopping and shopping and shopping, apparently not wanting to save the NHS while blissfully smiling at the novelty of native American Indians chanting and playing pipes.

My experience, and this is the truth, is that people don't want to talk about this kind of stuff, as if they don't want to know and don't care about not knowing it. Because if they did want to know they would be asking questions, like in a classroom when a child puts their hand up and asks, "Sir, how does this work?".

And when you do start to talk and tell them what is going on, they still don't want to know or talk about it, or help, and in one surprising and extremely disappointing case that I have experienced I have been ostracised.

This should not deter others from trying. It has not deterred, and will not deter, me from trying to get the information across, no matter what names they may call you and no matter how addicted they might be to the selfish soulless emptiness and decadence of the Freemason/Bohemian Grove/NATO way of life.

Just because I have been seriously let down does not give me the right to pack it all in.

But if and when it does occur it can be very demoralising (so thanks a lot for that!), so be prepared for it.

I am just relating my observations and experience.

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