Saturday, June 28, 2014


World War One was decades in the making.

Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England engineered the Triple Entente to bring nice Great Britain out of 'splendid isolation' and ally with France and Russia to encircle Germany in war under the correct conditions. Edward's protege Sir Edward Grey completed the task.

Freemasonry (nice chaps) had condemned Arch Duke Ferdinand to death...AND HE KNEW IT!!

And the assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand admitted at their trial that they were Freemasons, had received the material and encouragement for the assassination from foreign Freemasons, and knew that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death.

And after the war Kaiser Wilhelm II, who had been told by King George V that nice Great Britain would stay out of any war thus encouraging, mobilisation, wrote in his memoirs that he was told by a distinguished Freemason that Freemasonry had engineered the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe.

That vacuum was filled by The League of Nations, The first Secretary General of The League of Nations was James Eric Drummond, 16th Earl of Perth, who was a protege of Sir Edward Grey. It was Grey who misrepresented nice Great Britain's position to multiple parties, showed little concern over Belgium (Lloyd George accused Grey starting WW1 by not drawing a line at Belgium) but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium it was Grey who shouted that little Belgium must be defended, citing the 1839 Treaty of London which nice Great Britain was not legally bound to enforce unilaterally.

And it was Grey who first proposed The League of Nations in a letter to his co-conspirator Colonel House, the controller of the racist idiot Woodrow Wilson.


It was the British Empire and Freemasonry wot dunnit.

It is guaranteed that not one NATO media will mention this.

And highly probable that the rest will ignore this damning evidence.

But why engineer all the slaughter in the trenches? All the drownings in the Atlantic Ocean?

Because the brutal pro-slavery British Empire was crumbling as Germany, Russia and a long list of other nations were cooperating to implement The American System of Economics and building land-based trade routes beyond the control of the British Navy.

So, as described in the following video, the British were losing badly so they kicked over the chess board like a little spoiled petulant child. But the result was that millions died, Europe was destroyed and we got the first attempt at world government, which was controlled by the British Empire through Grey's protege Drummond.

And when Grey, as British Ambassador to the USA, couldn't persuade the USA to join the League of Nations, Wall Street created both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, for a much longer and bloodier world war, one in which the USA would be embroiled in from the start. World War 2 led to the USA not only joining but also hosting The United Nations.

So it could be argued that 100 years ago today BOTH WW1 and WW2 were kicked off by Freemasons assassinating Arch Duke Ferdinand after condemning him to death.

So today, 11am-ish, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London.

Be there or be square.

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