Friday, June 20, 2014


I have always been very suspicious of NATO media when in the past it has shown photos or videos of Jihadis, some even wearing North Face coats!

But today the whole lot is really, really, really taking the limeade!!

ISIS, the Jihadi organisation which has recently released videos of themselves apparently executing en masse Iraqi soldiers and civilians, which stands accused of beheadings and crucifixions, and they were even cited by Der Fuhrer David "Call me Dave" Cameron in The Marsten House as planning to attack us here on the UK mainland, has released a video of British and Australian Jihadis discussing and advertising Jihad. Where and when the video was shot is up for debate because both Syria and Iraq are covered in sand yet the Jihadis are sat in lush green foliage.

But the extremely concerning aspect of this video is that nearly every single major NATO media outlet is reporting this as headline news!!
The Daily Mail
The Daily Mirror
The Independent
The Daily Telegraph

So far The Guardian does not appear to have reported on this video.

But my question is this:
why is the NATO media reporting on this video in fake shock and horror, while not reporting the videos of General Wesley Clark stating the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years that has dominated the foreign policies of this nice Disunited Fascist Queendom, as well as that of the USA, since 9/11?

The answer is either gross professional misconduct, or encouraging cutthroat Jihad with displays of fake shock and horror.

And for the NATO media, here is General Wesley Clark:

And not only that: the timing of the release of this video is suspect, with President Obama so far resisting calls from The Bilderberg War Party to bomb, bomb, bomb Iraq (again and again and again).

Update :
Rothschild Russia Today is also reporting on this video having just dedicated a day to the Snowden 'revelations' while not dedicating a day to the Clark revelations, which I believe would stop the wars in the Middle East and North Africa. My strong view is that if you are reporting on this ISIS video while not reporting on the videos General Wesley Clark then you are encouraging cutthroat Jihad.

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