Friday, June 27, 2014


MI6 chief John Sawers was at Bilderberg a few weeks ago.

He has now resigned.

But look very closely at how The Daily Mail has described Sawers' tenure as head of MI6.
The Foreign Office is searching for a new spy chief after it was announced Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, is stepping down.

The boss of Britain's overseas intelligence services – traditionally known as ‘C’ – will leave the post in November after five years.

Sir John – often compared to James Bond for his suave manner and good looks – had tried to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding MI6 and was its first head to give a public speech.

[source : Search for the new 'C' as MI6 chief steps down: Sir John Sawers to leave post in November after five years in charge, The Daily Mail,, 27th June 2014]

I have highlighted the most significant section.

"tried to lift the veil of secrecy".

And what better way to lift the veil of secrecy than to have some of your spying methods plastered all over the newspapers for months but divert all the resulting scandal onto a 'whistleblower', who then 'escapes' to Russia, and who you then accuse of 'aiding the enemy' in front of a coven of besotted, lovestruck MPs while your sister organisation MI5 encourages British Muslims to go to Syria to fight Jihad alongside 'the enemy', and for those British Jihadis to then return to nice Great Britain giving you and your mates the perfect opportunity to call for more surveillance power?

Or am I just being cynical and conspiratorial?

No. I am not. This makes much more sense. It explains why Snowden was all over the NATO media flag ship The Guardian for months telling us what some of us knew in 1999!!!

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