Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"A dangerous outlaw regime".

This is how The Washington Post describes a particular government today.

But who are they talking about?

Israel, as it murders yet another 600 Palestinians in yet another engineered war? Ph! Are you having a laff?

ISIS? Nope.

The Disunited Fascist Queendom? Nope.

They are in fact referring to...Russia.

Yes, the same Russia that has been opposing the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadis in Syria, the same Russia that is opposing neo Nazis in Ukraine who chase people into buildings and burn them alive, and the same Russia that last week launched an alternative to the World Bank/IMF apparatus that has sucked the life out of many a sovereign nation state and kept those nations underdeveloped.

This is "the world's newest rogue state", as The Washington Post now refers to Russia.

For decades the world has been at the mercy of the City of London/Wall Street leeches. An alternative is being created by the BRICS, with muted support from Non Aligned Movement. But after BRICS launches a development bank, that City of London/Wall Street cabal now claim that Russia shot down a passenger jet!!

What’s needed is a broad strategy for putting a stop to Mr. Putin’s aggression and, where possible, rolling it back. That begins with sanctions designed to inflict damage on the Russian economy, such as the “sectoral” sanctions Mr. Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel threatened months ago but never deployed. Military measures are also necessary, including rapidly supplying the Ukrainian army with the material it has requested. It’s time to treat Mr. Putin’s Russia as what it has become — a dangerous outlaw regime that needs to be contained.

[source : The West needs a strategy to contain the world’s newest rogue state — Russia, The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-west-needs-a-strategy-to-contain-the-worlds-newest-rogue-state--russia/2014/07/21/01021db0-10fc-11e4-8936-26932bcfd6ed_story.html?hpid=z3, 21st July 2014]

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