Monday, August 18, 2014


I have repeatedly pointed out that World War 1 was a plan of the British Empire to stop the emergence of a new League of Cambrai in which the USA, Germany, France and Russia all cooperated to replace the free trade of the slave-trading Brutish Empire. The British Empire used their agents in Freemasonry to engineer the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, and then tricked and manipulated Europe into war, first promising Germany that Great Britain would stay out of any war, thus encouraging mobilisation by the other European powers, but then ordering Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into the war, which he did by citing the 1839 Treaty of London, which Great Britain had no legal obligation to enforce unilaterally.

The idea that the war was going to happen anyway is pushed by the Stop The War Coalition through Neil Faulkner's pamphlet on WW1, available at

Faulkner was interviewed by Tony Gosling a few weeks ago, and Faulkner pushed the same theory ad nauseum, But Gosling has also recently interviewed Webster Tarpley on this, and that interview is being curiously released in weekly segments rather than in one full-on in-your-face mind-blowing session.

This it-was-going-to-happen theory is due to Marxists.

But who was Karl Marx?

Marx was a British agent, first unwitting through Engels (see Treason in America), but then witting through his association with David Urquhart (see all over the place if you can be bothered, in particular on where you can see Marx 'warm' to Urquhart, then see elsewhere for how Urquhart came to be what he was).

At the moment Stop The War is not good at stopping wars.

It didn't stop the recent war on Gaza, because it didn't see it coming. But I did.

It claims to have stopped the war on Syria last year. But that was after Ghouta. Stop The War didn't predict Ghouta. But I did.

I have been on and on and on and on and on and on about WW1 being engineered by the British monarchy using Freemasonry. I proposed a protest outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June to recognise the role that Freemasonry played in engineering WW1. Stop The War didn't turn up. But I did.

As with MI5, there must be a cleaning out of Stop The War, from top to bottom.

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