Thursday, September 25, 2014


The last few times I have heard Sam Kiley on Sky News discuss The Islamic State he has suggested that the US military will eventually attack the Syrian military.

This morning Kiley asked a very good question:

if The Islamic State is such a huge threat to the world then why are the USA, UK, France, and the Gulf states taking their time about degrading and destroying The Islamic State?

My answer to this very good question is:

Sam, it is because the aim of this operation is not to degrade and destroy The Islamic State, but to degrade and destroy the Syrian state by using IS in what ever way works: stalling the process until head-chopping Saudi Arabia has trained a fresh batch of brainwashed fodder; driving IS into Syria then attacking IS in Syria, and then claim that Syria attacked a US fighter jet; use UN SCR 2178 to accuse Syria of aiding terrorism by allowing IS in Syria to move to Iraq, or for IS in Iraq to escape into Syria (which is what the war on IS in Iraq is supposed to do!!).

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