Tuesday, September 30, 2014


George Osborne has attended the secretive Bilderberg meetings several times in the last 10 years, and every year for the last few years. Bilderberg has a nasty Nazi heritage.

Yesterday Osborne announced a new policy of freezing benefits which he estimates would save £ 3 billion.



Meanwhile, how many corporations and rich fuckers are avoiding and evading tax? I recall reading that over £ 200 billion is not being paid by the fascists.

We bailed out the banks with over £ 1 trillion. The Tories try to blame Labour but the voting records will show that the Tories supported near enough every move that Labour made to liberalise The City of London with light touch regulation. And I say near enough every move because many Tories thought that Labour didn't go far enough and that there should have been no regulation of The City of London at all!!

The Tories tried to save money for their precious fascist banker mates through The Bedroom Tax. This was supposed to force tenants to move to smaller, cheaper accommodation if their current residence was deemed larger than they required, or the tenant should pay more for each room it was deemed they did not need. This might sound reasonable to a fascist pig, but what made this policy pure evil was that there was not the smaller cheaper housing stock for tenants to move to thus forcing tenants to pay up...AND THEY KNEW IT!! Some people have even killed themselves over that tax.

The Tories just pick on the poor and defenceless to save their fascist banker mates.

And Labour are not that much better.

Pure fascist pigs. Baling out fascist greedy reckless gambling banks with the hard earned tax of hard working British taxpayers and implementing pure fascism like workfare and the bedroom tax to 'cut the deficit'.

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