Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Remember these wars?


Iraq (1991)?



Iraq (2003)?


It appears that NATO has.

For it is running this campaign that Putin is on the march and a Russian tank is about to plough through your living room walls at any moment.

#PutinAtWar the twitter campaign is called, otherwise it is called Hiding in Plain Sight.

The aim of the campaign is to embarrass Putin by exposing his alleged lies about Russian troops in Ukraine. NATO and its bastard The Atlantic Council think, or desperately hope, that Russia will see through Putin's lies and rebel, chase him out and then NATO can install a puppet of their choice, like, er, Stephen Fry perhaps?

But NATO doesn't seem to grasp that Russia knows it is under attack from NATO. And they are also aware of what has just happened in Ukraine. Many of the alleged Russian troops in Ukraine will be volunteers. But why have they volunteered? Because of a historic bond between the land we know as Ukraine and Russia. Most people in East Ukraine have just said they wanted to join with Russia, like Crimea.

NATO are calling Putin liar for allegedly sending regular Russian troops into Ukraine. If he has and they have killed then the sum total of the number of people they have killed is in the hundreds, and the vast majority will have been regular UAF or neo-Nazis. The response that Putin is stating, that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, NATO is calling Russian propaganda.

No, don't laugh.

Meanwhile, why is no mainstream media outlet in the NATOsphere showing the following video of General Wesley Clark revealing the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, a campaign that has led to 1 million deaths in total and the rise of Islamic State in the Middle East and North Africa?

Yes, folks.

While mercenaries like Belling Cat flog the propaganda that Putin is at war in Ukraine (defending Russians from neo-Nazis), the USA has been on a bloody rampage in North Africa and the Middle East for nearly 14 years, using the attacks of 9/11 as excuse for war and regime change in seven nations, maybe more, all of whom had fuck all to do with 9/11, which has led to the diabolical use of the most barbaric, medieval international cutthroat Jihadis and the rise of Islamic State!!

One of the real culprits of 9/11 is Saudi Arabia, the erstwhile father of Islamic State, who with Israel and a faction within US politics and intelligence, engineered 9/11 to provide the excuse for the USA to go on that bloody rampage and reshape the world as they wanted.

NATO and their gimps don't seem to see that the Russian people see and understand this.

And this is why the #PutinAtWar campaign is such a useless folly.

The whole point of this campaign is to damage Putin as a liar and thus hopefully disrupt the BRICS campaign to offer an alternative to the Federal Reserve system.

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