Tuesday, August 18, 2015


In a friendly discussion with NEO and others, the NATO media darling on all things war has tweeted these:

Belling Cat have always assumed that the video of a BUK with a missing missile filmed in Luhansk was THE BUK that brought down MH17. The Kiev Nazis (as they were then) told the world that that video was filmed at 0500 on 18th July 2014, i.e. the day after MH17 was brought down (by whatever brought it down).

But there is a slight problem. The Ukraine Counterintelligence Chief Naida stated that the BUK that brought down MH17 was in Russia by 0200 on the 18th July 2014.

And to add to this confusion, as MH17 was falling out of the sky, the spokesman for the Ukraine Security Council, Andrei Lysenko, was telling a press conference that Ukraine had a video of a BUK under separatist control travelling through Luhansk.

Are these the same video?

Higgins is about to embark upon a PhD in the Department of War Studies at Kings College, London. As yet the source of finance for this PhD has not been revealed. A PhD requires painstaking, very detailed research and referencing. Armed with the information from Lysenko above, would it be unfair to ask Higgins to research his assumption that the video referred to by Lysenko is not the same video of the BUK with a missing missile?

What can we deduce if he does not?

On 14th July 2014 reports surfaced that a Ukraine Antonov An-26 had been shot down by a BUK missile. I think that that BUK with missing missile was the one that brought down that An-26. This would explain:
1. where the Ukraine Security Service got their taped conversations from to implicate Cossacks at Chernukino in a clumsily cobbled together video released on Youtube shortly after MH17 came down;
2. why the BUK was filmed travelling south east in a south west suburb of Luhansk, away from Chernukino.

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