Friday, March 04, 2016


I can't work out who is the more stupid:

The Bolton Monarchy, for ostracising me in the first place, then treating me like I am a piece of shit (as if I don't get enough of that from GCHQ/MI5 and their local mafia minions), then it not getting through their thick skulls that i want those reports destroyed that I sent to one of them, which I sent in great faith and trust, fully expecting to be overwhelmed with offers of help but got treated like shit instead, and that trust instead being wilfully betrayed;

or me, for not realising The Bolton Monarchy's particular brand of Communism, that what is mine is theirs, but what is theirs remains theirs.

And if Icke has a problem with that:
1. where the fuck were you on 28th June 2014, mmmmmm8?
2. why have you not been giving your books away for free instead of flogging them, like Infowhores Jones does, as if what you do is more of a living?

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